Business » Precincts
Fifth CBD precinct group emerges
A new CBD-focused precinct association, representing businesses in the growing “city north” catchment, will soon be established with the support of the City of Melbourne.
The Collins Street Precinct looks to a brighter future
After numerous government-imposed lockdowns and ongoing restrictions, the Collins Street Precinct looks ahead to a brighter future and continues to actively plan for the year ahead.
Read MoreA busy year ahead for the Chinatown Precinct
It’s hard to imagine a precinct in the City of Melbourne hit quite as hard from the unrelenting force of the current global pandemic like the CBD’s Chinatown Precinct.
Read MoreExplore the Greek Precinct
Greek migrants significantly helped shape Melbourne into Australia’s cultural hub.
Read MoreYour City Precinct
As Autumn begins to settle in, at City Precinct we are feeling positive about the beginning of a new cycle. As people start to return to the city, we are ready and waiting with open doors and full sanitiser pumps!
Read MoreLife returning to Collins St
It’s a pleasing moment to walk through the Collins Street Precinct and see busy retail stores and restaurants filled with people.
Read MoreChinese New Year a beacon for Chinatown Precinct
It was 11am on a Friday, and the president and vice president of the Chinatown Precinct Association, Danny Doon and Eng Lim, had just ushered me into one of the precinct’s food courts to have a chat.
Read MoreMary Poulakis is for Collins St
The new president of the Collins Street Precinct, Mary Poulakis, is one of those increasingly rare types of people who likes to contribute.
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