Local News » Health
Local consultation begins for CBD injecting room
Community consultation for Victoria’s second safe injecting room has commenced, as former police commissioner Ken Lay seeks local views before advising the state government of an appropriate site expected to be in the CBD.
Federal inquiry to consider QVM’s crucial role in food supply chain
A Queen Victoria Market (QVM) lobby group has made a submission to a federal parliamentary inquiry highlighting the importance community markets play in Melbourne’s food security.
Read MoreLeaders, grieving families unite in push for CBD injecting room but Premier gives no guarantees
Almost 80 CEOs of community, health and welfare groups have signed a joint letter calling on the state government to open a CBD safe injecting room, but Premier Daniel Andrews said there was no guarantee the facility would open in the central city.
Read More“Get on with the job”: Greater push for injecting room as health teams face more CBD overdoses
Pointing to new data that revealed an increase in heroin overdose deaths, Cohealth says some “would still be alive” if a safe injecting facility was available in the CBD.
Read MoreThe free service reducing the stigma of managing periods
The City of Melbourne has extended its free period care pilot program until June 30, after it was successfully launched in September 2021.
Read MoreFed Square becomes a Wellbeing Village
For Melburnians who have spent the first half of the year unsure how to have a healthier and happier lifestyle, a weekend in the heart of the city may just be the answer.
Read MoreLocal study reveals best office ventilation for COVID and the environment
A world-first research project that tested air circulation in an empty CBD office building has revealed that “displacement ventilation air conditioning” can reduce COVID-19 transmission by more than 80 per cent.
Read MoreInfluenza Vaccination Day 2022
In April 2011, the Immunisation Coalition (known as the Influenza Specialist Group back then) held its first free Influenza Vaccination Day at the University of Melbourne’s Graduate House, with a large media presence and 16 volunteers to be vaccinated on camera.
Read MoreSupport from the ground up
Poor quality footwear, exposure to the elements and substandard living conditions can have a ravaging impact on the feet of those experiencing homelessness, but a CBD street podiatry program seeks to address these concerns, and a recent study has shown its positive impact runs even deeper.
Read MoreOverdose fatals spark calls for health-based solution
A CBD-based non-for-profit community health agency that works with vulnerable citizens says there is a lot of work needed to educate the community and “shift perceptions” of people who use drugs.
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