About CBD News - The Voice of Postcode 3000

The first CBD News edition was published in August 2014 as a means of providing a local news source for the city's growing residential population. Established on the same model as our existing publications in Docklands and Southbank, CBD News looks to serve the community in the best way possible. 

CBD News is printed monthly and 20,000 printed copies are distributed throughout the area. CBD News was originally established by Shane Scanlan and Shine Dighe. Today, it is privately owned and operated by Sean Car.

It is our job to inform the community of events, news and changes that are evolving around the area. We are a trusted source of information for residents, workers and visitors within the CBD. We are the voice of postcode 3000.

Publisher - Sean Car

Journalists - Georgie Atkins, Jon Fleetwood

Photography - Hanna Komissarova, Maria Vasileva and Marcela Lehocka

Production/Design - Rebecca Shepherd, Amy Frost, Kate Fooke

Distribution - Cory Memery, Troy Memery

CBD News - Your community - Your newspaper