Lively AGM delights CBD residents

Susan Saunders

Where do you find people gathering to enjoy an AGM? 

Thursday, August 31 saw Melbourne’s Residents 3000 hold their AGM at the Kelvin Club on Melbourne Place – an AGM featuring the Lord Mayor, Sally Capp; singer “Piano Man” Alfredo Malabello, and 76 members and supporters.

The Lord Mayor opened with an update on the state of the city, followed by the formal AGM with appointment of a new 14-strong committee and office bearers. Rafael Camillo who was re-appointed as president gave a detailed and informative recap on activities over the past 12 months.  

The formal proceedings were followed with light refreshments, animated discussions among the attendees, and our piano man, Alfredo playing and singing popular songs. It was such a lively affair the people were seen a hoppin’ and boppin’ about to the music. Alfredo let us know that he and colleagues are shortly to open a piano bar at the top of Bourke St in a month or two. It seems that it will be a popular spot to go!

What did Sally say?

What follows are the top priority items being focused on at Town Hall:

  • Greenline Project – aiming to beautify the north bank of the Yarra River. Residents’ participation in the landscaping is well advanced.
  • Revitalising the iconic Queen Victoria Market is progressing well. After COVID, people are returning. Seven million visitors last financial year, up 35 per cent from the same time last year. The Munro precinct is taking on more tenants and the new Food Hall is close to opening.
  • The council is continually addressing the homelessness problem with support for the 50-studio apartment development “Make Room” project at 620 Little Bourke St.
  • The short-stay problem is being addressed. Can the idea be adequately regulated? Can vacant apartments be effectively utilised when affordable accommodation is in such short supply? Feedback from the community is 50-50 towards this idea.
  • The city economy is improving. More workers, tourist and locals filling the streets.  Traders still report that Mondays and Fridays are a bit light on but all in all, the vibrancy of the city is improving.
  • The city is progressing with its Future Streets project. This is an ambitious project with a planning horizon to 2050. It is important to have vision and to keep the changing demands of the modern city in mind. Residents are involved in this process through the council’s Participate Melbourne website.  
  • Safety in the City. There are still problem areas. Flinders and Elizabeth streets, Queen Victoria Market – Franklin St continue to be challenging. Safety is a constant struggle for the council – a problem faced by all big cities. Residents can assist by communicating to relevant authorities and being vigilant.
  • Safe Injecting Room. This is a topic of great concern for residents. The lack of state government decision-making on this matter and the ideas being put forward are concerning. As one resident commented on the night, “Why is this service not part of a hospital complex? Why put the service in the middle of the CBD at all?”

There was a short question time. Topics raised with the Lord Mayor included:

  • Injecting Room proposal
  • How to force developers to be responsible for removing graffiti from their hoardings.
  • Late night libraries need to be reinstated now that students are back in the city.
  • Noisy compactors situated in poorly chosen locations need a solution.

President Rafael’s report

The president’s report was circulated to all members prior to the meeting, posted on the website and read with further explanations at the meeting.  The report records how Residents 3000 continued to “connect, support and inform” members during the year with a variety of topics, programs and presentations from interesting people. Rafael confirmed that the organisation remains committed to advocating issues that matter most to members and supporters with the aim of contributing to residents’ wellbeing and quality of life in the CBD. 

Next event – Health and Wellbeing in the CBD 

Our Forum 3000 event is on Thursday, October 5 at 6pm at the Kelvin Club, Melbourne Place. Details are posted on our website and reminders will be sent to members and subscribers by email. •

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