Only the Liberals will get Melbourne back in business
For more than 150 years, we’ve all taken great pride in the nickname for our city being “Marvellous Melbourne”, a nickname that – legend has it – was coined by a visiting London journalist named George Augustus Sala.
Melburnians are right to celebrate our city as Australia’s centre of culture, sport and business. It’s what attracts tourists from all over the state, the country and the world.
However, it is clear that some of that vibrancy and life has been missing from the city centre and has been for a while now.
In some parts of the city, “For Lease” signs are as ubiquitous as tram bells. Data released by the Property Council of Australia in August shows that our CBD has the highest office vacancy rate in the nation, at 18 per cent.
On top of this, there have been decisions made by levels of government that have made Melbourne less accessible and less safe, deterring our city’s comeback.
This needs to change.
In a few weeks’ time, residents and ratepayers in Melbourne will be asked to elect a new Mayor and Council.
This is an opportunity for our city to refresh and to elect new leadership, with new ideas about how to restore the vibrancy and energy of Melbourne.
To do this, we need a council team that is committed to making Melbourne more accessible, safe and make it clear that the city is open for business.
I am extremely pleased that, for the first time, there is a Liberal Party-endorsed Mayoral candidate and council team running in October’s elections.
The Liberal team, led by candidate for Lord Mayor Miriam Riza, Deputy Lord Mayor candidate Luke Martin, and councillor candidates Owen Guest and You Li Liston, have a plan to get Melbourne back on track.
The Liberal team for Melbourne City Council will get Melbourne back in business, drive investment back into our city, and rip up separated bike lanes that are slowing down movement in the CBD.
Keeping our city safe is a key driver in bringing back visitors and the economic benefits they bring to the city. The Liberal team will ensure that Victoria Police has the resources and powers it needs to keep our streets safe, so you can feel secure in your neighbourhood, at work, and as you move through the city.
It is time that Melbourne elected a Lord Mayor and council that will stand up to the state government, while working constructively with them, and deliver an agenda that is strongly and unapologetically about restoring our city’s culture and strength.
I hope next month that the voters of Melbourne take this into consideration and vote accordingly.
Only the Liberals will get Melbourne back in business.
Evan Mulholland is the Liberal Member for Northern Metropolitan Region and Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Victorian Legislative Council. •

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