Working from your apartment in the CBD … feeling lonely and cooped up?

Working from your apartment in the CBD … feeling lonely and cooped up?

Finding that working from home is not all it’s cracked up to be? Feeling a little stir-crazy and finding a need for more social interaction?

These days, apartments seem to be forever shrinking in size, so if you are one of the people who have chosen to work from home (and, personally, I don’t think it’s a great idea, at least for most people) then I have recently run across a possible solution which may well be very tempting.

It’s hard to have social interaction in a limited space, particularly if you are sharing it with another person, an animal, a desk, a computer, and the usual paraphernalia that accompanies living.

At times, it’s nice to get out and be able to have lunch or dinner or a few drinks with some friends, have a party, play pool, sit by a fire and work with your computer in a different environment, meet some new people, and generally have a life. I have discovered this is all possible in the CBD.

There is a solution. The Kelvin Club is not your ordinary club in that it’s not really all that “clubbish” as some of the more venerable, same-sex institutions, but still maintains the feeling.  It is situated in Melbourne Place off Russell St right behind Embla restaurant. It was established almost 150 years ago and was named for Lord Kelvin of the absolute temperature fame. Not known to you? Try Google!

For a city dweller, it offers to solve many of the above problems. It has an inviting dining room, which can also be a ballroom, a private dining room and audio-visual facilities so you can actually do some work with colleagues. Downstairs it has a billiards or pool room with several tables. There is a very enthusiastic group of players. The club has recently re-joined the inter-club competition in Melbourne.

They also have a bar replete with leather armchairs and sofas as well as tables where you can have an informal snack or a meal. There is another cosy area where you can sit by the fire and simply work with your computer or enjoy the conviviality with other members. If you have any friends, as a member you can invite them to join you. Finally, it comes replete with its own hairdresser, Sammy.

The Kelvin Club is a mixed club. The current president is a woman and there are an increasing number of female members. It has a long, proud tradition but like most clubs, there is always the need for the introduction of new, younger members with fresh blood to preserve the club for the future. In my view, membership of this club provides a lifestyle solution for people living in the CBD or nearby surrounds.

The committee appointed an energetic, friendly, and vibrant manager with a background in hospitality. Miss Pearls was both the general manager and part-owner of Madame Brussels, an extremely well-known rooftop bar and facility located in Bourke Street for some 18 years prior to coming to the Kelvin Club.

For those with an historical bent the original Madame Brussels was a well-known brothel in the 19th century frequented by parliamentarians among other luminaries of the time. Some unkind person suggested that the parliamentarians have continued their practice on their constituents! It is rumoured that there was an underground passage to the Parliament for the convenience of the patrons.

With the support of the Committee she has been instrumental in an increase in membership, new renovations, and introduced a variety of new functions. The club is now working on an exciting new project to turn Melbourne Place into an entertainment and dining precinct.

You may think that this is almost a paid advertisement for the Kelvin Club. It is not, but as we act for so many inner-city apartment dwellers and they all face similar issues this seems to be a much better option than all that counselling. Probably cheaper too.

If the idea of membership appeals to you, do call the Kelvin Club, ask to speak with Miss Pearls. She will be more than happy to invite you to the club to see for yourself how you can dispel those long, lonely nights.

Alternatively, if you are cooped up in your apartment and it’s causing you or your relationships stress, then it’s possible you’ll have some legal issues, and with those we can assist. •

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