AGM with a difference

AGM with a difference

By Sue Saunders

Residents 3000 welcomed Sally Capp, Mayor of the City of Melbourne to its AGM followed by a serenading accordionist and refreshments.   

Sally Capp let residents know the initiatives she has been able to encourage, since being elected to office last May.  Residents sought a progress report on the three most pressing issues that impact life in the city. These were: 

Building design improvements that allow for adequate public amenity, minimal environmental impact and pleasing aesthetics;

Measures to alleviate the plight of homeless people in the city; and

Intelligent management of city waste collection and recycling.

President, John Dall’Amico gave his final annual report, as this year, he would not be standing for re-election. The committee represented by the vice president, thanked John for leading the association over the past five years.  There have been many innovative initiatives under John’s able, business-like approach and with the help of his committee, the organisation has grown steadily.  

Our accordionist was Dave Evans who has been playing professionally for 30 years.  He can be seen busking outside Parliament Station and other popular locations.  He took up accordion when he was just seven years old to avoid having the share the family piano with his sister.  Dave plays in several bands including The Band Who Knew Too Much at the Union Hotel in Brunswick.  Occasionally Dave plays in stage shows such as War Horse in 2013.  He serenaded us with special “after AGM” music while we socialised and ate the delicious sandwiches, hand-made on the night, by the talented Kelvin Club staff.

See more about Dave at

Should you become a part of Residents 3000?

The AGM is an example of what Residents 3000 is all about!  We are a community group who can conduct a formal AGM, learn about the latest from Melbourne’s new Lord Mayor and then settle into a good modicum of socialising to catch up on the local gossip and happenings in the CBD.

People who join our group make the CBD their home and intend to stay for quite a while.  A number of current members have lived in the CBD for over 20 years! Our members are committed to the convenience and richness of central city life.  

They may be baby boomers and empty nesters who move in from the suburbs for the culture and the efficient way of living.  Or they are upwardly mobile, no kids people who want give-back to the community and help make Melbourne an even greater place to live.  

Residents 3000 people tend to be highly skilled, passionate and capable individuals who make time to help in shaping the central city and thus, through their work, help the community as a whole.  

Our motto is to “INFORM | CONNECT | SUPPORT” people living in the CBD.  

We inform by holding regular “Forum 3000” events on the first Thursday of every month – 6.30pm at the Kelvin Club on Melbourne Place.  Members are encouraged to bring along guests who after getting to know the group, often decide to join.  They too become committed to our aims and want to help.

From time to time we arrange “3000 Steps” informative walks around the city covering notable sites, interesting small businesses and the history of secret places and the buildings we visit. 

Then there are our famous trivia nights where we test what you have learned! (ha ha!).  Do you know the date Melbourne Day is held each year? 

We interact with local businesses through City Precinct and consider ourselves partners with the City of Melbourne by participating with ideas and feedback from the resident’s point of view. 

Residents 3000 makes a special effort to be active on social media.  We have our website,  We are active on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  

We connect with other community groups like EastEnders who hold a regular coffee morning every third Tuesday of the month.   We also connect via our sponsors who represent different types of services that residents need while living a central city life.

Support come with getting to know your neighbours, who in time become new friends.  It is through community and our interaction with others that people gain a feeling of belonging, enjoyment and warmth.

Dave Evans' comment below says it all …

“But the inner city has changed a lot. When I first started coming here, it was lights out by 6pm. Everyone would go home and there was nothing going on afterwards. It was all designed for business. There were a few pubs and clubs, but no one lived in the city. And within 20 or so years, everyone is piling in here. It’s crazy! No. It’s not crazy. It’s great!”

It’s the CBRD?

So, in the future, will the people of Melbourne still refer the city centre as the CBD?  Or will they refer to the CBRD!  The Central Business and Residential District.

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