City living is a walk in the park
By Matt Harvey
Sebastian has been forming a growing bond during the past seven to eight months as his relationship blossoms with his partner’s golden retriever, April.
Sebastian said April was a big walker and loved going for lengthy walks every day.
“I’ll take her for a walk every day, if not in the park then in our uni they have a big park, it’s like a big garden and you can take her for a walk. We usually take her in the mornings or late at night,” he said.
Living in the CBD is no problem for 11-year-old April. Aside from taking big walks she loves spending time among people.
“She loves attention. When you try to pat her, she doesn’t care. [She’s] like ‘I know I am beautiful, just do it’,” he said.
“She loves people as well, that’s why I take her to the park. She’ll enjoy a run and then she gets obsessed with a person, so then I have to take her away.”
While we talk April is fascinated by the comings and goings of the park, stoically she watches and eventually attempts to engage with a much smaller dog out for a walk.
“She’s a quiet dog, she doesn’t bark at other dogs, she loves the small dogs, she goes crazy and she wants to play with them all the time,” Sebastian said.
The hustle and bustle of city life, visiting people in the park, walks, checking out the local dog community, seem a great match for the “really relaxed” retriever.
Though Sebastian seems to enjoy getting to know April and find the amount of attention that works for the three of them.
“When my partner and I cuddle each other she just wants attention she’ll come over and be like ‘come on, pat me’,” he said.
“She’s pure, honest, friendly, she doesn’t try to fight or anything like that.” •