Final John Nixon works on show
By Rhonda Dredge
There is still time to catch the cool minimal- ism of John Nixon in an exhibition at Anna Schwartz Gallery in Flinders Lane.
The exhibition must break a record for a commercial gallery in that it’s showing for 10 months.
The gallery rejected a digital solution when the exhibition was forced to close in March after just one day.
Tragically John Nixon died of leukemia during the pandemic and although the show is not a retrospective it could be read as such.
Most of the works are on white PDF with geometric shapes, painted in primary colours, attached in various formations.
Nixon worked on pieces in pairs and series and this created quite a strong logic for his exploration of constructivism over a long period.
He had more than 70 solo exhibitions since 2001 and is seen as a seminal figure in Australian abstraction.
His work is distinctive, recognisable and influential. The gallery is hoping to sell the entire exhibition to a public institution.
John Nixon, Groups + Pairs 2016-2020, Anna Schwartz Gallery, until December 19.