Haileybury named our best school

Haileybury named our best school

Haileybury has been named Australian School of the Year at the Australian Education Awards and also won Primary School of the Year – Non-government.

Haileybury CEO and principal Derek Scott said:  “This award is a wonderful recognition of the outstanding teaching and leadership team at Haileybury and of the hard work of our students and great support of our families.”

And the school has also again excelled in all testing categories at all levels in NAPLAN testing.

A remarkable average Year 9 numeracy score of 691 placed the school’s students 99 points, or several years of teaching, ahead of the national average.

The Year 3 Haileybury NAPLAN average exceeded the national average for Year 5 students in all areas (reading, writing, spelling, grammar & punctuation and numeracy).

NAPLAN started 11 years ago to test Australian students’ core literacy and numeracy skills at Years 3, 5, 7 and 9.

Haileybury has consistently finished in Australia’s top 10 primary schools and top 10 open entry secondary schools for boys and girls.

This year an anomaly favoured 20 per cent of Years 3, 5 and 7 students who completed the writing task online as a trial. Haileybury students were not in the trial, but still performed brilliantly in writing.

Haileybury’s Year 3 writing results exceeded Year 5 similar schools and Year 7 National averages. Year 3 grammar and punctuation results also exceed Year 7 National averages.

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