How to keep healthy in the city

How to keep healthy in the city

By Susan Saunders - Residents 3000

People talk about the air pollution, the noise and the stress associated with the hustle and bustle of city life. But is this necessarily bad for your health?

City living does not have to detract from good health. One of Residents 3000’s sponsors, Kieser (pronounced Kee-ser) is at the forefront of helping people find and maintain a healthy lifestyle that copes with the busy nature of living and working in the city. Kieser specialises in physiotherapy and strength training. It believes that a strong body is essential for an active, pain-free and healthy life.

The reason lies in the fact that maintaining a strong body can help you to easily walk around the CBD and move throughout your office and at home. Kieser believe that a strong body is the essence of achieving good health.  

With a strong body you are less likely to have knee problems or glute soreness from the early morning run. You can enjoy a yoga session or a swim as you are less likely to suffer an injury during activity.  A strong body with increased muscle can speed up resting metabolic rate which helps to reduce weight.  

But what if this ideal is not you? You have a bit of arthritis. Or maybe the doctor said you were tending towards osteopenia the pre-cursor to osteoporosis. Or you have slightly elevated blood pressure. Or perhaps you are a bit overweight and you cannot touch your toes or do a press up.  

The human body is a marvellous machine that no matter how deconditioned it has become due to lack of love and attention - for whatever reason - with a scientific approach and a customised program, it is possible to turn that body into a healthy, strong one. This is where Kieser comes in. The team at Kieser are equipped to help clients improve their strength regardless of age or condition, many of whom are referred by their doctor.

When you go to Kieser in the city, found on the corner of Collins and King streets, you will find a team which prides itself in achieving the best outcomes for its clients. The equipment it has is highly specialised to strengthen specific muscle groups in a carefully graded program, designed specifically for each individual. The idea is to build strength in order to resolve specific problems, but more importantly to maintain the body machine in good working order that translates to health and wellbeing. 

City resident Janifer Anderson said: “I am a retired city resident. When I came to Kieser, Collins St in November 2018 I had lost my ‘mojo’. I had aching joints, poor balance, lost strength, generally felt unfit and I was losing the confidence to step out into the busy city life. Six months on I’m thrilled with the results. I feel more like myself, stronger, pain free, generally more active and more confident!”

Forum 3000 – July and August events

In the coming two months, on July 4 and August 1, Residents 3000’s forums will include an update on the property market per favour of our sponsor hockingstuart (July) and insights into achieving body health by Kieser (August).

Come along as a guest if you are not already a member and join in the conversation.  All our meetings are held at the Kelvin Club, 14-30 Melbourne Place off Russell Street.  Details will be posted on our web site:

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