Inner Melbourne bike crashes mapped

Inner Melbourne bike crashes mapped

By Chloe Strahan

Monash University’s City Science research group has released a map of bike crashes over the last five years, between July 2008 and July 2013.

City Science applied VicRoad crash statistic to the Strava application, which bike riders use to map their riding progress.

Using the Strava Global Heatmap as a background, the image shows over 200 billion data points from people using the application, which mapped out the popular riding spots over five years (seen in the map as the tiny tblue dots).

As the image shows, red dots indicate where crashes occurred over the five-year period.

Dark blue areas show the more popular riding tracks.

It is clear that over five years, Swanston St was a high crash area, particularly at intersections of Flinders St, Collins St and St Kilda Rd.

One bike accident in the corner of Bourke and Swanston streets was fatal in 2008.

Incidents occurred all the way along St Kilda Road.

Serious injury accidents occurred along Elizabeth St, at the intersections of Lonsdale, Collins, Bourke and LaTrobe streets.

It appears as though the main areas for bike accidents occur in the main intersections of the CBD.

Swanston St, a pedestrian and tram-only street appears to have the most frequent bike accidents.


Data Sources - VicRoads CrashStats and Strava Global Heatmap:

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