Karaoke bar extends licence hours

Karaoke bar extends licence hours

By Kara Bertoncini

The Future Melbourne Committee last month voted to extend the liquor licence hours of Jankara Karaoke Bar on Russell St.

The request for a letter of support from the council is a first and Jankara Karaoke Bar will now be able to increase its trading hours until 5am on Fridays and Saturdays and until 1am on Sundays over the weekends.

The two additional hours of liquor consumption was not seen as detrimental to the community due to the small size of the premises and its clean track record.

Cr Leppert said it was important to allow small licensed premises this privilege in order to keep the vitality of the city alive.

“It’s important to the vitality of the central city as a 24-hour city. This is a business that’s been in operation for 15 years, which is no small feat in itself, and it has had no track record of any issues,” he said. Victoria Police is also in favour of the liquor licence extension.

“This is a good first test of the new State Government’s new policies in this area, so I think this is an intelligent outcome and I hope to see more small bars with a really good rack record being granted the same sort of discretion that we see here,” Cr Leppert said.

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