Keeping CBD locals up to speed on city planning

Keeping CBD locals up to speed on city planning

Each year a Forum 3000 event hosts an official presentation from the City of Melbourne.

Providing residents with updates on the vision and priorities of the council and its direct impact on residential life, this year we heard from the council’s general manager strategy, planning and climate change Evan Counsel.

Out of the 52 major initiatives currently under way with the council, Evan presented four headline projects.

Greenline – in its inception stage, this is a transformational plan that reimagines part of the city’s waterway from Birrarung Marr to the Bolte Bridge, to be completed within six to eight years.

Power Melbourne – with a goal of a zero-carbon electrified city by 2040, the city is working with industry partners to develop a renewable, sustainable network of local batteries that will store energy at the neighbourhood level.

Sustainable buildings – focused on building design and regulation, the city will future proof large developments for a carbon free city. The work of retrofitting mid-sized office space and existing building stock hosts significant, but not insurmountable, challenges. The zero-carbon building plan will be launch by the middle of 2023.

Clean city teams – a new trial underway, this team-based effort addresses cleaning the city and managing graffiti precinct by precinct. If successful, it would create ongoing oversight based on pride of place.

In May, the annual planning and budget process will invite public consultation. Resident input is critical for the next four years of city priorities. Please engage via Participate Melbourne:

During the time of questions and input, several residents expressed intense frustration with the general condition of the city and specifically the failings of waste management with increased post-lockdown activity.

Future remedies include locked bins, bin zones, FOGO (a food and garden waste service) and the hub program – a European model compacting waste.

Residents 3000 dedicates an event every year to address waste management issues for residents. Please join us for that on Thursday, August 3. Stay connected, be informed and provide input from a residential perspective.

You are invited to our next Forum 3000 gathering – the Neighbourhood Marketplace on Thursday, March 30 at 6 pm. Come meet neighbours and learn about the City of Melbourne, CBD small businesses, council agencies and departments.

Sherry Maddock is a CBD resident and committee member of Residents 3000. •

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