Learn to be sustainable
Sustainability Living Festival is again kicking off with some events in the CBD in February.
Town Hall Veggie Patch
Reduce your “food miles”, or the amount of transport required to get your vegetables, by growing your own at backyards, balconies and even rooftops.
Demonstrations of how edible plants are grown in small spaces will be held at the veggie patch in front of the Town Hall from February 1 to 16.
We all know that veggies taste better when you grow them yourself!
Cooking with food waste workshop
The cooking demonstration by Jessica Alice, the “Nigela Lawson” of leftovers, will show you two simple recipes of cooking with food waste at Queen Victoria Market.
Market stallholders will provide ingredients that they would throw away if not sold that day.
The demonstration will have you rethink what you can do with leftover food.
The first session is held from 1-2pm on February 1 and a second demonstration will be from 1-2pm on February 8.
DIY organic makeup workshop
Learn four instant recipes to create your own organic, and environment-friendly make-up remover, facial serum and scrubs.
Two sessions will be held at Laneway Learning’s classroom tucked away at 22-24 Bennetts Lane.
Two sessions are available from 6.15pm on February 5.
Tickets range from $10-20.
Zero Waste household first steps
Learn how to lead a more sustainable lifestyle and take your first step towards a “zero-waste household” by hearing about other people’s experiences.
Held at Embiggen Books from 6.30-7.45pm on February 6.
Tickets are $16 each.
More information about Sustainability Living Festival can be found at slf.org.au

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