Letters to the editor - August

Letters to the editor - August


I would like to congratulate journalist Meg Hill for her article “Beggar déjà vu”. A well-constructed and researched piece which turned over the rocks of the “beggar narratives” that have dogged our community for years and will no doubt continue. 

I appreciated Meg’s analysis and deeper delve into the various issues. Thanks for guiding and clarifying. I will continue to support these people whenever I can.
Thanks Meg!

Closure a no-go

As a trader in Elizabeth St for a number of years, I have objected to the permanent closure of Elizabeth St southbound in the block between Little Lonsdale and Lonsdale streets. Along with the closure of Elizabeth northbound in the block to Latrobe St, I believe this will cause traffic chaos in Little Lonsdale; a street which is overtaxed as it is. 


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