Melbourne wins again
By Kate Mani
Melbourne has been named the World’s Most Liveable City for the seventh consecutive year.
The study, carried out by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), compared the living conditions of 140 of the world’s major cities and awarded Melbourne a score of 97.5 out of 100.
Melbourne is the only city to have received the award for seven years in a row and received the same criteria scores as it did in 2016: 95 for stability, 95.1 for culture and environment and 100 for healthcare, education and infrastructure.
Melbourne’s low crime rate was a key contributor, with the EIU report showing how global terrorism threats have detracted from the liveability of cities.
Lord Mayor Robert Doyle believes the award will encourage international groups to choose to relocate to the city.
“This accolade is an important selling point for Melbourne internationally: for businesses to invest or move here, for the best and brightest people to make Melbourne their home and for tourists to visit us," he said.