Metro Tunnel Monthly Update: August

Metro Tunnel Monthly Update: August


Happened or happening in July

Piling in Franklin St progressing, with about 40 per cent of piles completed.

Works to relocate services taking place, including power, telecommunications, sewer, water and gas.

Minor modifications to the road network are continuing to increase safety for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles.


Service relocations expected to be complete.

More permanent scaffolding and hoarding erected in A’Beckett St to provide safety for pedestrians, similar to what has been installed on Franklin St.

Piling to begin in A’Beckett St.0707

Piling in Franklin St expected to be complete and an acoustic shed constructed from late August onwards.


Happened or happening in July

On-site traffic management changes. Previously, construction vehicles entered and exited City Square via Flinders Lane. Trucks to enter via Flinders Lane and exit by turning right onto Collins St instead. A driveway on Collins St set up to facilitate this. About 20 to 30 vehicles per day are expected.

Taller hoarding installed on top of a new retaining wall along Swanston St. This further protects the site and adds about one metre to the width of the current footpath.

Construction equipment lowered into the car park via an opening in the roof slab. Rubble from the demolitions removed in the same way.

Services in the car park relocated or disconnected, such as stormwater drains, pipes and fire sprinklers.


Steel supports installed in the Westin Hotel side of the car park to add strength after the City Square side is demolished.

Car park ramp demolition.

Concrete strengthening works, including construction of a dividing wall to separate the City Square demolition site from the levels underneath the Westin Hotel, which will be retained.

Ground anchor works on all levels to provide stability to the walls after car park demolition.

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