Monthly Update: May – June 

Monthly Update: May – June 

CBD North: 

Happened in May

Completed relocation of all drainage, water, sewer and gas services in Franklin St East, between the City Baths and RMIT.

Gas rerouting was completed down Victoria St around the City Baths.

Drilled and poured the first piles on Franklin St (expected to be completed by late July).

Piling on A’Beckett St is expected to be completed by early September.

Haulage routes are yet to be confirmed. Discussion continues between MMRA, City of Melbourne and Yarra Trams.

Excavated spoil will be transported in accordance with EPA guidelines.

The piling process is:

Lay a piling guide wall to guide drilling. A guide wall is temporarily installed to help with positioning and alignment.

Drill a 1.2m diameter hole, about 45-50m deep. The shaft will be over 30 m deep.

Install a reinforcement cage the length of the drilled hole.

Fill the hole with high-strength concrete.

Happening in June

Changes to traffic management around Franklin St and A’Beckett St sites. From early June, change from two lanes to one at the intersection of Franklin St West and Swanston St. Franklin St West (the Aldi side) will be used as a small staging area to hold materials with one or two concrete and spoil removal trucks waiting to enter the construction sites.

Expansion of A’Beckett St worksite. This work site is expanding to accommodate an equipment laydown area for the start of piling works.

A’Beckett St service relocations for telecommunications and gas to continue.

Piling works in A’Beckett St predicted to start in late June – early July. The amount of noise generated by these works may vary, however Metro Tunnel Early Works managing contractor John Holland will employ mitigation strategies that comply with the Metro Tunnel’s Environmental Performance Requirements.

CBD South:

Happened in May

Brunetti café structure demolished.

Mockridge Fountain (water wall on Collins St) demolished.

All artwork and monument removal to be completed (including stone layers of Burke and Wills and Beyond the Ocean of Existence statue).

Fibre cable relocation work along Flinders Lane – eight day continuous closure.

Inclinometers will be installed at the site to measure any ground movement during demolition and station construction. inclinometers measure horizontal ground movement. These devices will be in place throughout construction.

Happening in June

The retaining walls and ground anchors will be installed and new hoarding will be constructed on top of it, allowing approximately 1m of extra footpath on Swanston St. The top of the City Square carpark structure sits below ground level in some areas and, subsequently, a retaining wall is required to provide ground support above the extent of the car park structure in these locations. The ground anchors will also provide stability to the exposed car park excavation structure through the demolition process.

Start of basement reconfiguration works – including service relocation and disconnection.

Soil will be excavated to expose the car park roof slab.

Haulage routes are yet to be confirmed. Discussion continues between MMRA, City of Melbourne and Yarra Trams.

Excavated spoil will be transported in accordance with EPA guidelines.

Building CBD South Station will require the removal of about 250,000 m³ of spoil.

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