New bollard upgrade completed on Melbourne’s busiest pedestrian site

Sally Capp
Bollards Flinders St
Kaylah Joelle Baker

Twenty-eight permanent steel bollards have been installed at the intersection of Swanston and Flinders streets in an effort to ensure pedestrians are kept safe on one of Melbourne’s busiest sites.

“We’re doing everything we can to keep pedestrians safe in the city, which is why we’ve installed 28 permanent safety bollards at this bustling CBD intersection,” Lord Mayor Sally Capp said.

“The intersection of Flinders and Swanston streets is one of Melbourne’s most prominent pedestrian thoroughfares and a key gateway into our great city.”

Works on the bollards began in late March of this year, and its recent completion has seen 18 installed outside of Young & Jackson, and 10 outside of St Paul’s Cathedral.

Upgrades to the area saw the bollards replace the temporary concrete blocks that were previously situated in front of both buildings.

The project was undertaken in partnership with the Victorian Government, as part of the government’s $52.5 million Melbourne Protective Security Enhancement program.

The program originated from a partnership between the state government, CoM, and Victoria Police, in order to help strengthen Melbourne’s security, and protect nine of Melbourne’s most high-profile pedestrian sites from vehicle-based attacks.

Already completed in 2019, as part of this, was the Flinders Street Station forecourt upgrade, and it is the council’s hope that these works will continue to protect residents and visitors well into the future.

“These upgrades will make Melbourne a safer, more accessible place for workers, residents and visitors,” Cr Capp said.

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