Practical training for auditors

Practical training for auditors

Local CBD residents participated in an on-site building security audit last month, in a bid to expand the service to more towers.

Residents 3000 president John Dall’Amico said the training in Docklands was beneficial for volunteer auditors who would, with additional training  and the continued support of the Victoria Police be able to help CBD-based owners’ corporations (OC) improve their security and safety of residents.

“Until you get on the ground and start identifying   the shortfalls  that are present , you can be quite blasé about where you live,” Mr Dall’Amico said.

Mr Dall’Amico said that a number of members were now keen to continue the training  with the prospect of  helping  OCs undertake security audits.

“We’re not saying that living in the CBD is inherently unsafe. In fact we live in a very safe city, however ,” Mr Dall’Amico said. “It’s just that vertical living presents specific challenges that people may not be aware of .”

The training was conducted by Leading Sen Constable Glenn McFarlane and supported by building manager Kevin Moore at the Yarra Point tower in Docklands on May 19.

OCs keen to learn more can email [email protected]

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