Second road header starts excavating

Second road header starts excavating

Construction activity in the CBD is ramping up 30 metres underground as part of Metro Tunnel Project works. 

Two road headers are now excavating under the northern end of Swanston St as they start the epic task of constructing the new State Library Station.   

Road headers are massive excavating machines fitted with mounted cutter heads that will excavate the huge underground caverns for both Metro Tunnel CBD stations - State Library and Town Hall.

The machines will excavate around 1500 tonnes of rock each day, with each cutter head able to smash through rock three times harder than concrete. Each 100-tonne road header includes a highly advanced computer with a mathematically-based guidance system used to accurately excavate the cavern.

Four road headers will be used as part of State Library Station construction, with another three to be deployed for Town Hall Station.

Above ground, two buildings on Little LaTrobe St, near Swanston St, are being demolished to make way for construction. 

For the latest State Library Station construction updates visit  

Town Hall Station update

Major works are underway across the three Town Hall Station construction sites at City Square, Federation Square and Flinders Quarter on the corner of Flinders and Swanston streets. 

Members of the public who look through the viewing windows at City Square on Swanston St will notice the site change dramatically this month as three piling rigs come off the site and two large cranes move in. The cranes will be used to construct a temporary concrete deck that will be installed over the top of the excavated space. The deck will minimise noise and dust impacts while the next stage of deep excavation is carried out underneath.

An acoustic shed will also be built over the City Square site from mid-year to minimise construction impacts during road header excavation later this year.

Visitors to Federation Square will also notice increased activity with piling works set to commence in April. Sixty-five piles will be installed up to 35 metres into the ground to create reinforcement ahead of excavation works.

Piling will also soon commence at the Flinders Quarter site behind the Young & Jackson Hotel. 

For the latest Town Hall Station construction updates visit   

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