Have a session with a special local

Have a session with a special local

CBD locals, workers and visitors have a new option for entertainment and learning – City Sessions, hosted by some of the city’s most eclectic small businesses.

The laneways and upper storeys of the city’s streets have long been home to dozens of artisan and boutique businesses.  Supported by City Precinct, last winter some of them got together to host events.

They were such a success that, according to City Precinct spokesperson Neil Balthasar, the concept has now been extended and will run all year round.

Mr Balthasar said City Sessions offered a quirky alternative for people looking for a different, but authentic, experience.

“Some of our members have teamed up with Laneway Learning and have been able to share their unique knowledge about their craft,” Mr Balthasar said.

“Others have hosted events in their own premises which can easily turn into a bit of a party and certainly a great night out.”

Mr Balthasar said City Precinct members were mainly small, local, niche, sometimes hidden, independent retailers, hospitality and service providers who, collectively, made Melbourne’s story unique.

“Melbourne is really privileged to have so many of these local treasures living and working among us,” Mr Balthasar said.

“City Sessions presents these people and their offerings to a curious public.  The opportunity really shouldn’t be missed.”

One of the sessions last year dealt with the history of perfume and its origins, the chemistry of extracting scent and how it reacts with skin.  Another looked at how men’s jewellery has been inspired by music.

The ongoing City Sessions are organised around four high-level themes:

  • Lost Wisdom: Gaining knowledge through a class or learning session;
  • Curious Wanders: Being taken on a customised tour by someone who really knows the city;
  • Tavern Encounters: An introduction to the city’s diverse bar culture; and
  • Season Adventures: Seasonal workshops or events at just the right time of year.
  • Mr Balthasar said City Precinct was encouraging members to list their events on the City Sessions website.

He said the sessions would benefit both the member business and attendees.

“It’s a great behind-the-scenes opportunity for the public,” he said.  “And, obviously extra exposure isn’t going to hurt participating members either.”

See www.citysessions.com.au for further information.

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