Too close to home

Too close to home

January 20’s Bourke St horror will be with us for a long time.

The mass-murder is particularly haunting for those who live and work in the city.  It sharpens an already razor-like edge to life within postcode 3000.

Melbourne’s CBD is as close to life in the raw that can be experienced in this privileged country.  We’ve seen it with street violence and with rough sleepers.

It’s a magnet because it is truly the centre of Melbourne – a city that lost its innocence decades ago.

By the same token, it also offers the best of everything. Good things happen here.

It was the shopping experience that presumably brought some of the hapless victims to our suburb.  There’s no substitute for the CBD.  It’s authentic – the real thing.

The CBD rocks and it also rolls.  It’s the best and the worst.  It’s the big city. That’s why people choose to live here.

There’s buzz, bustle, vibe, activity, proximity, action.  You’ve got to like that to live here.  It’s special. But it’s not for everyone. 

The CBD knows tragedy.  There was Russell St and then Queen St.  And now there’s Bourke St.

Today the CBD community weeps.  Scars don’t heal.  But life goes on.  And life here is more vibrant, more alive than anywhere else.  This won’t change.

The good times will return.      

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