Columns » Melbourne Business Network

Respond, recover and thrive
A surge of innovation is coming
Recently, the Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has admitted to being tired of working from home.
Read MoreThe presentation of the 2020 B3000+ Awards!! And the winner is …
What do you do in the face of adversity? You innovate, you pivot, but most of all, the show must go on!
Read MoreCelebrating business in our city
In these challenging COVID-19 times, there are still opportunities to recognise and celebrate success.
Read MoreWhat else can small businesses do to set themselves up for success?
Several weeks into this pandemic, we all have been impacted by border and school closures, industry shutdowns, social distancing, dramatic loss in revenue, etc. Finally, we are seeing some positive signs.
Read MoreBusiness networking during COVID-19
It is certainly unchartered territory right now for businesses with the presence of COVID-19. While the impacts to everyone’s businesses during this time of uncertainty will be different, clearly, we all need to keep progressing with whatever forward momentum we can. If you or your target market no longer want or are able to conduct face to face business, what are your strategies? Here are just a few of your options:
Read MoreWhat could your business achieve if it had a cash injection?
Alternatively, has your business been impacted by the recent bushfires? There are grants available to assist with both growth and recovery.
Read MoreWelcome to 2020!
There is so much anticipation, expectation and hope at the beginning of each year for upcoming success.
Read MoreA great time to be in business
With the City of Melbourne’s (CoM) economy is now worth more than $100 billion annually, driven in part by the growing rate of employment in the city’s knowledge sector, it’s certainly a great time to be in business in Melbourne!
Read MoreYour local business network
Representing all industry sectors, small business plays a key role in the thriving City of Melbourne economy.
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What could your business achieve if it had a cash injection?