Columns » Salvos

Let’s continue Father Bob’s legacy
The passing of Father Bob Maguire came as a shock to many. It is odd that the death of an 88-year-old would catch people by surprise. But Father Bob was one of those characters who appeared to be eternal. Without much thought, we assumed that he would be around forever.
The Magpie Nest café
The Salvation Army Melbourne has operated the Magpie Nest café at 69 Bourke St since 2011.
Read MoreHistory speaks again
Henry Reed is a relatively unknown Tasmanian who stood with John Batman on the banks of the Yarra River, right near Queens Bridge back in August 1835.
Read MoreThe lost art of “in the moment” appreciation
The global response to the passing of Queen Elizabeth II has caught me by surprise. Even staunch republicans have been pausing to pay their respects. But why?
Read MoreLooking Beyond
I have been working in the city with The Salvation Army for the past 20 years. It is amazing to think that what we successfully trialled and tested 20 years ago is exactly what is required today.
Read MoreMagpie Nest – an example of disruptive thinking
It was 10 years ago, almost to the day when a young mother entered our café at 69 Bourke St, Melbourne. The café works with people who are homeless, at risk of homelessness and are often dealing with a complex range of issues including mental health, physical health issues and often social isolation.
Read MoreThe Pink Car
Ten years ago, the City of Melbourne partnered with The Salvation Army Melbourne to establish an innovative approach to safety in the city.
Read MoreA tale of two cities
It was 8am one Monday morning when we received a phone call on our 1800 COMMUNITY number. It was a member of the public who was deeply concerned about a middle-aged woman who was homeless.
Read MoreIs it time for a Minister for Loneliness?
I recently had the opportunity to meet with former Conservative British Prime Minister, Theresa May.
Read MoreTragedy on our streets
Thursday, January 20 was going along like any other until I received a phone call from St Vincent’s Hospital ICU. The “Can you please get here ASAP” call is always ominous.
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The Magpie Nest café