Columns » Skypad Living

How cyber-secure are our vertical villages?

How cyber-secure are our vertical villages?

November 23rd, 2022 - Dr Janette Corcoran

Technology has changed the landscape of when, where and how crimes are committed – and our vertical villages have already been breached!


State Election – representing vertical villages?

October 26th, 2022 - Dr Janette Corcoran

One in four Victorians live in residential strata – but are our vertical villages on the election agenda?

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Vertical Neighbourhood Watch

September 21st, 2022 - Dr Janette Corcoran

Neighbourhood Watch is about neighbours looking out for neighbours, but can this work in our vertical villages?

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Vertical village winter blues

August 24th, 2022 - Dr Janette Corcoran

Melbourne definitely had a frosty winter, but did we have to shiver?

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Ahoy there! Vertical village onboarding

July 27th, 2022 - Dr Janette Corcoran

Resident move-ins are opportunities to create lasting impact, but all too often are more list-checking than engaging experiences.

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Vertical village “Strata Hub”

May 25th, 2022 - Dr Janette Corcoran

The NSW Government is introducing “Strata Hub” which aims to consolidate core information about strata schemes – but who will it really benefit?

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Micromobility infrastructure in vertical villages

April 27th, 2022 - Dr Janette Corcoran

Many vertical villages are investigating electric vehicle recharging options, but e-cars are not the only vehicles that need these facilities.

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Pilot projects in vertical villages

March 23rd, 2022 - Dr Janette Corcoran

Vertical villages need improvements tailored to our way of living – but how will pilot projects help?

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“Vertical Village” design standards inquiry

February 24th, 2022 - Dr Janette Corcoran

In August last year, Victoria’s Legislative Assembly authorised an inquiry into apartment design standards – but where does this leave our existing residences?

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Vertical village “volunteers”

January 27th, 2022 - Dr Janette Corcoran

Australia is a nation of volunteers and in 2020, Volunteering Victoria claims that 42.1 per cent of Victorians aged over 15 volunteered in our state. 

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Vertical homework

Vertical homework

September 23rd, 2021 - CBD News
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