Is back pain preventing you from doing the activities you love?

Is back pain preventing you from doing the activities you love?

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare around 80 per cent of Australians will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives, affecting their mobility, functional capacity and quality of life. 

What causes back pain and why does it recur?

The initial causes of back pain vary greatly but regardless of the cause the result is the same – the pain triggers a natural protective response. The body immediately inhibits the muscles closest to the pain and we modify our movement patterns and posture to avoid painful positions. In as little as 48 hours these important stabilising muscles begin to weaken and atrophy. It is this weakness that leaves us more susceptible to suffering recurring episodes of pain and eventually chronic pain. 

“This is the start of what we refer to as a cycle of deconditioning”, physiotherapist Rebecca Heddles said. “For clients, this pain can become a downward spiral of decreasing strength, ongoing instability, recurring pain, impaired function and inevitably loss of quality of life.”

“As a physiotherapist, I see the frustration in clients who seemingly ‘tried everything’ for their back pain. From massages to braces to creams and heat packs, they all seem to temporarily relieve pain, but the pain tends to reoccur if they don’t address the source, which is often muscular weakness in the supporting muscles of the spine.”

Rest and medication offer some immediate relief but do not contribute to long-term recovery and prevention. Hands-on therapy also plays a very valuable role in providing symptomatic relief, however on its own is insufficient for long-term resolution of back pain. While exercise is an essential component of breaking this deconditioning cycle, most exercise programs and equipment cannot specifically target or effectively rehabilitate the deep stabilising muscles of the spine. 

The Kieser method is designed to effectively break the cycle of deconditioning using the clinical reasoning and skills of its team of physiotherapists along with their targeted equipment. The Kieser approach is based on the principles of active and early rehabilitation and rebuilding strength where there is weakness. The clinics are equipped with some of the world’s leading rehabilitation equipment, which allows its team to deliver the best possible results for its clients. 

Many back pain sufferers report recurrence of pain or injury because they have not found an exercise program they can do safely. At Kieser, your treatment will begin with its physiotherapists who will address your pain and begin your rehabilitation – preparing you for a long-term strength program. Once your pain is reduced, their exercise scientists will prepare your individualised strength training program, which incorporates activity goals as well as remedial exercises. 

The Kieser method is designed to identify and assess the source of your problem and strengthen your body to reduce pain and prevent recurrence of the issue. 

Kieser has a clinic 300 metres from Southern Cross Station at the corner of King and Collins streets. Kieser is open for essential face-to-face care with a physiotherapist during lockdown •

For more information: call 9448 9999 or visit  

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