Timing is everything!

Timing is everything!

Cel Out doesn’t have an arts background and, is quick to stress, not confident with drawing.

However, this does not diminish his contribution and place in Melbourne’s Street Art scene. For what he does have is a sense of humor and a strong sense of injustice.

Cel Out’s work falls into the category of social and political comment and it’s not just a pretty picture for the sake of a pretty picture!

When he sees an opportunity to make a statement, he seizes upon it.

Timing is everything and this is where his artistry lies.

About two years ago, motivated through frustration to find voice, Cel Out started to paste up his pieces in Melbourne’s lane ways – appropriating and manipulating images from the internet and comic books to create his unique take on the world.

As he doesn’t paint or draw and is too time-poor to cut stencils, works produced by this method ensure quality.

It should be noted, that not all of Cel Out’s work is of a political nature as he feels this would diminish its effectiveness!

There is not a lot to say about this artist as his work speaks for itself and whenever I post a photograph of a piece on my blog, StreetsmArt, the response is always positive, resulting in a high number of hits.

Lorraine Ellis

If you are interested in Melbourne street art there is more on my Facebook page, StreetsmART

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